Good Day to all! Due to the freezing weather outside I am inspired to give information on my knowledge pertaining prevention of colds/flu and the maintainability of good or better health. Firstly, I am blessed to know that I rarely get sick at all. This is due to my health consciousness and my desired lifestyle. Take heed to my knowledge and you will get better and possibly get sick less frequently. So let's give you a brief description of what we know as the common cold.
The common cold is the inflammation of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. When you have it, you may be experiencing symptoms such as runny nose, throat irritation, muscle aches, watery eyes, headaches, fever, chills, bad breath, bodt odors, and temporary loss of smell and taste. Some of the causes of the cold are fatigue, overexposure to the cold, viral infection, lack of sleep/rest, inhalation of too much dust, eating too much sugary foods, eating too much junk and eating too much period. However a cold isn't the infection but the recovery of an infection. So in essence when you have a cold, you aren't necessarily sick but you are getting over a sickness. The symptoms of the cold is your body trying to reestablish its health. So getting a cold is actually good for you. In a cold, you witness your body communicating with you, letting you know that you're either eating too much, not exercising enough, not getting enough rest etc. If it weren't for colds, you would never really know that your body may be breaking down and becoming more and more vulnerable to detrimental diseases. However, having the cold or symptoms of it is very uncomfortable and undesirable. So, let's get rid of it now!
If you contract a cold, it may usually last for about one to two weeks. Taking my advice can cut that time in half. Here are some simply natural remedies that will help you overcome your cold.
. Every morning upon waking up, gargle with warm filtered water with sea salt. The sea salt will kill most of the germs in your mouth and throat.
. Then drink about 12 ounces of water with the juice of a half of a freshly squeezed organic lemon. It is vital that the lemon is organic. Most colds are due to the overwhelming state of toxicity in the body. Conventional lemons have pesticides, chemicals, dyes and waxes which are all toxic to our bodies. Adding more toxins can only worsen your cold.
. After this lots of rest and relaxation is highly encouraged however if you have to work then do not eating any breakfast. The body needs to recover during a cold and if it must bear the burden of digesting food then it delays the healing process.
. Fresh air is very important also. Do not take any medications or drink any coffee. Instead of buying poisonous medications, such as TheraFlu, aspirins ect. buy a multivitamin supplement to help your immune system. It is recommended that you take as much vitamin C as possible (about 5,000 mg). Other vitamins are also important such as vitamin A, calcium,vitamin B complex,vitamin E, vitamin F, zinc, riboflavin, and selenium. Other supplements are also beneficial such as flaxe seeds, brewer's yeast, and bioflavonoids. Garlic is also good in fighting off germs. Herbs are also good in cleansing and fighting bacteria. Some of the best herbs are rose hip, goldenseal, peppermint, senna, milk thistle, and dandelion root.
. If you are really hungry it's best to drink herbal tea. Do not drink black to or any caffeinated teas. Green tea is one of the best. If not eat organic fruit.
. Avoid eating solid and cooked foods. Eat high fiber foods. Instead, drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and water only. I advise you to ONLY drink water while you are sick and nothing else at all with the exceptions of lemon water and tea. Drink 2 quarts of water a day. Try to drink at least a cup an hour. It doesn't matter if any beverage is made from organic fruits or 100% juice. It was pasteurized and that destroys most if not all of the living enzymes needed to properly digest the juice.
. Placing a hot rag on your head is also beneficial in that it promotes circulation.
. Lastly, positive attitudes and thinking can encourage healing. Surround yourself with positive energy and also be cheerful at all times. Ask for God's healing touch and use the amazing powers of prayer to help heal your condition. Never forget to ask God to bless our contaminated and devitalized foods
Now with all of this being said, stay warm and get and STAY well soon.
in the midst of a cold right now! thank you! awesome tips!
You're most sincerely welcome!
Hey Sean, good post but ima have to disagree with the taking 5000mg of vitamin C, any amount of vitamin C over 1000mg a day will either be flushed out in the urine or will cause an overdose. This is because the body can only absorb a certain amount each day. Also because many fruits and foods are also good sources of this vitamin, taking supplements and eating these fruits can easily lead to an overdose- which can lead to kidney stones as well as other things...
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