For years, most people around me and I have been led to believe in the wonderful benefits of milk. The media and government have brainwashed us for decades to believe that we can't live without the calcium and vitamin D that are present in cow's milk. However, I strongly believe otherwise. Do not drink milk at all. Cow's milk isn't for humans; it's obviously for cows. No wonder why every single person has an allergic reaction to it. What is this reaction? It is the byproduct of mucus. I believe the end result is your body crying out in a result of the damaged done by milk - mucus. Milk is good for us, however, only when we need it and we only need it when we are babies. Now why would the government lie to us and make us believe that milk is good for us? It is a business for them. Their main concern and goal isn't our well-being, but it is to be highly profitable. So they found another way to make money off of cows beside from beef and that is their milk. But it doesn't stop there. This same milk that they want us to believe we need helps us get sick and when we get sick we need them. They then have a reason to make us buy their shots, prescription pills, vaccinations, etc.
These are all my opinions but some facts about milk are that most of the calcium and minerals that we think we are assimilated from milk aren't being assimilated at all. This is scientifically proven. We don't need milk, and our bodies don't like it. By instinct, cows stop drinking milk after four months or so and will never drink it again. So alcohol isn't the only thing you should cut down on for the new year but milk also!