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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What's your zodiac sign?

The influence of these heavenly bodies and the zodiacal signs they represent became important in predicting human destinies. Many people, more notably noblemen and other high ranking officials often had personal astrologers and would not make important decisions before first consulting them. The fact that this science is just as popular today, long after the civilizations that founded it have vanished, indicates that people still believe in the accuracy of this science which literally charts the path of the stars to predict a person's destiny.
Believing in zodiac signs and letting their characteristics define you
isn't something you really want to do. First of all, I believe that zodiac signs were created to establish some type of free order and besides from that, mere entertainment. In my opinion, they are absolutely foolish. They are wrong because people don't realize that they are bowing down to their sign as if it's a God when they believe in it. This is undoubtedly idolatry. Relying on something other than God to forsee your character traits is also idolatry. Participating in psychic readings is also wrong because when people believe they can see the future, it is something they acquire from the devil. No man can see the future. These are all types of sorcery or witchcraft; devilish things.
Why is it that none of the zodiac signs have the tendency to be Godly?
No where in the bible is there anything mentioned in favor of zodiac
signs. Of course the zodiac sign's description associated with your
birthday time would seem accurate. The devil is a liar and a very good
one at that. He will also use anything in his power to help you meet your demise! Don't let something as ridiculous as zodiac astrology be one of them!