Many of us blindly entrust in doctors with very little knowledge as to what they’re really doing and what they are really putting in our bodies. Yes doctors went to school for their practices and are well versed in the affairs of our bodies but let’s understand that most of them are just running a business. I personally made a doctors visit I had some time last year my last. I was having discomfort in my lower abdomen for several weeks and brought its attention to my mother. She suggested I go to a doctor and check it out at once. I hesitated because I had already made up my mind to not trust or support doctors. However I finally gave in and went. I waited about 20 minutes to see a doctor. When he was finally available to tend to me, he asked me two questions. I told him about the pain and he gave me some pill and went about his business. I could’ve gone to the store and gotten a pain killer for all of that. This is what most of them do. They prescribe drugs. That is my first problem with doctors. Anyway, enough about them, my main concern is with you. When something is wrong with you, whether it be a cold, a bad headache, cramp, etc., attempt to fix the problem yourself. You don’t have to go to school to research your condition. Get to know and understand your body. Tons of information is available all over the internet and in books. Now only until doctors clean up their act, you shouldn’t be so quick to trust them in the shots and medication they give you. The pharmaceutical industry is a business, a dirty one at that. They produce poison that only lessens the symptoms of your condition and NEVER cures it. Also, the poison that they make ALWAYS has unwelcoming side effects. Why, because it was man-made and ANYTHING man-made will destroy your body some way or another. After you get a prescription for a particular medication, it is expected that you take that medication until your condition goes away. That is for the rest of your life, because the condition will NEVER go away. It will only get worse and several other problems will arise from the poisonous medication doctors prescribe to us. That’s their business. You must keep buying the pills in order to take them. And then of course after you bring up the fact that the condition has worsened they prescribe you a new pill. I’m not totally suggesting you NEVER go to the doctor but I’m suggesting you be your own second opinion. Be aware of these harmful substances they are putting in your body. Educate yourself and understand why you’re undergoing your symptoms.
There are many natural doctors that are much more effective and reliable than medical doctors. I’m sure there are medical doctors that we can trust but still be knowledgeable on their procedures and on your condition. I also suggest that you do not get vaccinations or any type of shots, especially flu shots administered by our same doctor friends =).