Friday, October 8, 2010
Stress = lack of sleep = no dreams....
Don't let stress and lack of sleep prevent you from dreaming. Life's too short to stress yourself. Plus when you're stressed out, it's hard to get (good) sleep. If you don't get sleep then you can't dream. If you can't dream, then you can't make them come true one day.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
When segregation still exist... We all exist in a diverse universe. So why not learn and grow in universities of diversity?
Reach out!
Reach out to a friend or family member and show or tell them that you love them today, not tomorrow. It isn't promised.
Be blessed! =)
Be blessed! =)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Never underappreciate love
The most precious gift to man besides Jesus from God is love. I guess that's why I talk about it so much.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Beware of envy and hate
While envy is weapon of corruption, hate is a weapon of destruction...self-destruction.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Gods gift and you
APPRECIATE the GIFT God gave to you by wearing it. Don't try to return it or exchange it. You alreedy wore it, besides it wouldn't fit or look good on anyone else!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Prayer [3WW]
Allow her eyes
to see a drought
So the the sand hills facing her
can abstain from the rain
Please guide her path
through that cold dark valley
which seems to have no exit
And preserve her halo
there Lord
I ask for nothing more
than a comfortable fit
And lastly
I ask you to please protect
my family and friends
This is my prayer dear Lord,
© 2010 by Sean L Brereton
to see a drought
So the the sand hills facing her
can abstain from the rain
Please guide her path
through that cold dark valley
which seems to have no exit
And preserve her halo
there Lord
I ask for nothing more
than a comfortable fit
And lastly
I ask you to please protect
my family and friends
This is my prayer dear Lord,
© 2010 by Sean L Brereton
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friendship [3WW]
Dedicated to my real friends - y'all know who y'all are
Do I imply my avidity of fidelity
or do I come of as feigning?
And when I come around,
do you just drown?
I mean do I remind you of the summer sun
or do I remind you of when it's raining?
Remember I'll never hurt...
A friend possessing natural virtue
I ask because you love me
and I love you too
I also care what you think of me
and that's how I show my love for you
© 2010 by Sean L Brereton
Do I imply my avidity of fidelity
or do I come of as feigning?
And when I come around,
do you just drown?
I mean do I remind you of the summer sun
or do I remind you of when it's raining?
Remember I'll never hurt...
A friend possessing natural virtue
I ask because you love me
and I love you too
I also care what you think of me
and that's how I show my love for you
© 2010 by Sean L Brereton
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Music You Listen To
I bet you would get defensive if I told you that you shouldn't listen to music full of violence, sex, alcoholism, and partying. I probably would to if I didn't know what I do, thank God. But before you get defensive at least just hear me out.
Firstly, Satan formerly known as Lucifer once lived in Heaven and was one of the most talented angels serving voice with his voice in praise.
Rap music featuring negativity may be very appealing. You may even call yourself loving it. But by listening to it you are subconsciously condoning the lifestyle even if you don't live it and pleasing Satan at the same time. It's all negative no matter how positive it may seem. The Devil had his plans sketched out to deceive God's people from even before you and I were existed. He will us everything in his power to have us burn in Hell with him. He will use the music we love. Be cautious of the music you listen to.
Also check my post regarding JayZ for comments related to this issue.
Firstly, Satan formerly known as Lucifer once lived in Heaven and was one of the most talented angels serving voice with his voice in praise.
Rap music featuring negativity may be very appealing. You may even call yourself loving it. But by listening to it you are subconsciously condoning the lifestyle even if you don't live it and pleasing Satan at the same time. It's all negative no matter how positive it may seem. The Devil had his plans sketched out to deceive God's people from even before you and I were existed. He will us everything in his power to have us burn in Hell with him. He will use the music we love. Be cautious of the music you listen to.
Also check my post regarding JayZ for comments related to this issue.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Satan will only give you temporary satisfaction
All Satan can do for you is give you temporary satisfaction. God has so much more to offer. Eternal life is just the icing on the cake.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
God has a plan for you!
His plan is no secret. He is patiently waiting on you to talk to Him and get to know Him so that He can reveal His plan to you. Listen to His voice, hear His plan, make it your plan and be blessed!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Let's Detoxify
The first step in detoxifying is understanding what it is and why you're doing it. Don't detox only because someone else told you that you should. Understand that your body is on the verge of disease and sickness and you can help relieve your body from the constraints of toxic matter by detoxing regularly. How often is regularly? That depends on the type of detox you do and your environment and how much toxins you are exposed to. For instance depending on the lifestyles lived, someone living in the West iIdies probably wouldn't have to detox as much as someone like me- living in big city such as New York. (But there are a bunch of other things that contribute to the amount of toxins you're exposed to no matter where you live.) With that being said, I personally would try to "detox" at least three times a year.
If you eat meat and fast food you especially need a detox. There are many types of detox programs and I wouldn't trust them all but for a beginner you shouldn't do anything to extreme. I consider extreme a detox that I did three times called "The Master Cleanser" or "The maple syrup lemonade diet". Me and my close homeboy did it together for support. For a minimum of 10 days you wont eat any solid foods or anything at all but a lemonade concoction you make. Along with a salt water flush in the morning and detox tea at night. It's believed that this will detox and flush your whole body from your organs down to every cell. I don't suggest you do that as a beginner. Extreme may also be a strict fast where you aren't eating any food and only drinking water for a number of days.
So I'll briefly tell you how the body works and how detoxing works and you can find a good detox program you can work with. When we eat food it goes to the stomach where its broken down almost to a liquid and then it goes to the liver. The liver removes most of anything that's in the food that could kill us or make us sick. That is of course what we consider are toxins and more. Then the food is sent to our intestines where nutrients from the food is adsorbed. What's left is sent to our colon and left there until our bodies can remove it as stool.
Our organs that are responsible from removing toxins are our liver, kidney, colon, and skin. So a good detox will cleanse these organs and help them do their jobs. A good detox program should also work like this: First expose your body to herbs to cleanse the organs, then expose your body to great sources of fiber to suck up the toxins from the herb cleanse, then expose your colon herbs that'll support bowel movements to get the toxins out.
Or if you got a separate detox for those specific organs it should work the same way. However never do a liver or kidney detox before you a colon or skin detox. If you do not have a properly functioning colon doing this will only remove the toxins from your liver and they will move to other parts of your body - you wont want that! Only to be reabsorbed by your liver (hopefully). This would be a waste of your time and money and the waste of discomforting experiences caused by the poisons released from your liver. the loads of accumulated junk.
If you eat meat and fast food you especially need a detox. There are many types of detox programs and I wouldn't trust them all but for a beginner you shouldn't do anything to extreme. I consider extreme a detox that I did three times called "The Master Cleanser" or "The maple syrup lemonade diet". Me and my close homeboy did it together for support. For a minimum of 10 days you wont eat any solid foods or anything at all but a lemonade concoction you make. Along with a salt water flush in the morning and detox tea at night. It's believed that this will detox and flush your whole body from your organs down to every cell. I don't suggest you do that as a beginner. Extreme may also be a strict fast where you aren't eating any food and only drinking water for a number of days.
So I'll briefly tell you how the body works and how detoxing works and you can find a good detox program you can work with. When we eat food it goes to the stomach where its broken down almost to a liquid and then it goes to the liver. The liver removes most of anything that's in the food that could kill us or make us sick. That is of course what we consider are toxins and more. Then the food is sent to our intestines where nutrients from the food is adsorbed. What's left is sent to our colon and left there until our bodies can remove it as stool.
Our organs that are responsible from removing toxins are our liver, kidney, colon, and skin. So a good detox will cleanse these organs and help them do their jobs. A good detox program should also work like this: First expose your body to herbs to cleanse the organs, then expose your body to great sources of fiber to suck up the toxins from the herb cleanse, then expose your colon herbs that'll support bowel movements to get the toxins out.
Or if you got a separate detox for those specific organs it should work the same way. However never do a liver or kidney detox before you a colon or skin detox. If you do not have a properly functioning colon doing this will only remove the toxins from your liver and they will move to other parts of your body - you wont want that! Only to be reabsorbed by your liver (hopefully). This would be a waste of your time and money and the waste of discomforting experiences caused by the poisons released from your liver. the loads of accumulated junk.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We all need to detoxify
Detox which is short for detoxification is the elimination of most material in your body considered as toxic. Toxic materials or toxins contaminate our air, water, food, thoughts and more. They are also produced naturally in all living organisms. So even if we never ate more ounces of chemically treated diseased meat than our bodies can handle everyday,ate produce that's sprayed down with pesticides and artificial wax coatings, inhaled poisonously air from all the exhaust from automobiles and the second-hand smoke from cigarettes, ate processed "food" with artificial flavorings, colors and ingredients, stifle our skin with artificial lotions, and infiltrated our minds with negative thoughts we would still need to clean out our systems from the loads of accumulated junk.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Pray for your food
Pray for your food.
Before you eat each and every meal. Before you eat anything or drink anything always ask Jesus to touch it with His healing hand to bless it before you consume it. We don't want you to become ill from the lack of commitment to this practice. Saying your grace is important and don't forget to pray for everything else.
Before you eat each and every meal. Before you eat anything or drink anything always ask Jesus to touch it with His healing hand to bless it before you consume it. We don't want you to become ill from the lack of commitment to this practice. Saying your grace is important and don't forget to pray for everything else.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Take care of your body!
Take care of your bodies NOW so someone else wont have to take care of it LATER!!
: By the grace of GOD...
All dreams are feasible, All things are possible, my trangressions are pardonable, I am loved, I am blessed, I am strong... There are endless ideas to finish this quote. Embrace it!
Love yourself first, then...
Love yourself. Can you expect someone else to love you when you don't love yourself and show it? Enjoy yourself. Can you expect others to enjoy your company when you never want to be alone? Complete yourself. Don't look for anyone else to complete you but God. Be happy. You have endless reasons to smile. Enjoy each d...ay. God has spared your life again, show your appreciation starting now!
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Devil knows your weaknesses he'll use them against you...
When you feel weak, discouraged, angry, confused and think that Satan knows your weaknesses and he'll use them against you, trust GOD and ask HIM for HIS Divine Guidance...HE knows your strengths, ask HIM to use them in your favor!
Count your blessings
Count your blessings....that's if you have the patience to keep up with the count. =)
Most of us if not all are guilty of overlooking the glorious blessing God has bestowed on us. Enough said =)
Most of us if not all are guilty of overlooking the glorious blessing God has bestowed on us. Enough said =)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Pray without ceasing
Everyday is a constant struggle to live righteous lives. Yes, we are born sinners so the lifestyles that we are a custom to is so normal. This makes it hard to break away from. It's so addictive. Let's all continue pray with out ceasing. And ask God to direct us and give us guidance, and enter our thoughts and hearts. This my prayer...
Everyday is a constant struggle to live righteous lives. Yes, we are born sinners so the lifestyles that we are a custom to is so normal. This makes it hard to break away from. It's so addictive. Let's all continue pray with out ceasing. And ask God to direct us and give us guidance, and enter our thoughts and hearts. This my prayer...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Plant for Success
Plant your mind in soil of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Water your sprout with faith, hope, and positivity. Feed your plant in sunshine of love and thanksgiving. Then blossom gardens of SUCCESS!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Love is oxygen
Loving is just as crucial as breathing. Fill your thoughts, deeds...AND lungs with love. SO that when you exhale, you're recycling it into the air <3
Friday, April 9, 2010
Our ancestors fought hard!
An uneducated Black man is a blind man looking in the mirror. Let's all take advantage of the resources, literature and all the things in our grasp to better ourselves. Our ancestors fought hard so that one day we may have rights. Let's have rights and not wrongs...don't contribute to making their struggle worthless.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Video on order (love vs hate)
Again, I don't agree with it all, but it's a very interesting view on "love vs. hate".
Be inspired people!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Video on the order
Though I may not agree with everything, most things are accurate in regards to whats going on in our world everyday right before our eyes. Understand that this world has an expiration date.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Avoid the miserable
As much as we would love to help, motivate and encourage negative, sulking, miserable people we ONLY harm our own spirit and drain our energy associating with them, leaving ourselves susceptible to contracting their sickly contagious disease.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Dear Friend,
This is not what God intended for us. The lifestyles we live, the music we listen to, the food we eat, the things we do are all things that God will never condone. The Devil will make it harder and harder for us to enjoy the righteousness of God's glory. He will make it seem inevitable for us to change our patterns, our habits and sinful ways. Hell is real but God loves us and He doesn't want that for us. He made us, He does ALL for us and only wants us to triumph in His victory. He will defeat Satan and all standing with him. There is no place in Good for evil. We can't continue to practice these lifestyles and make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. So today I challenge you. I'll leave you with this question to contemplate. You already know Who the winning Team is, so why choose to be on the loosing team?
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
Positive people!
Before making an attempt to surround yourself with positive people, be positive first and you don't have to search too hard for positive energy. Praise the minuscule and don't stress the minuscule. Life is too short. Enjoy every breath you take, treat your loved ones as if they won't be here tomorrow and appreciate i...t all - even the struggle that developed you into the person you are today! Enjoy your day today.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Salvation and You!
To love God is to know Him. God also says, "If you love Me, keep my
commandments" So many of us claim to love The LORD but do we really?
Based on the concepts of knowing Him to love Him and loving Him by
keeping His commandments most of us do not love our Father. It's okay if
we trying and it's not easy. No one said it would be easy, as a matter
of a fact I don't think it's supposed to be. We are born sinners so yes
it will be a struggle to find our way out. But how do we love God? First
you must know Him. Talk to Him everyday. Study His Word. Know His Laws.
Understand Him. To most this may be something most talked or thought
about, but like most things, they'e much easier said than done. So
encourage yourself regularly by asking yourself the question "Do you
want to live in eternity or burn in Hell?"
Now if you choose Heaven, then understand that it's yours! The Bible
says that Jesus left to go prepare a place for us, and the bible also
reiterates this by stressing that if He left He shall return. After
understanding this, work on your relationship with God. He loves us and
has done so much for us so why wouldn't you want to know Him?
Thank Him for Him blessing you every moment you get. He has been so good
to us all. Pray to Him each morning upon waking up and every night
before you retire. Pray to Him throughout the day endlessly. In an old
post I stressed, "Do all things in moderation except pray."
Also give Him praise. Our God deserve endless praise. Learn songs to
lift up His name. Quote text from His word and exalt Him. Magnify Him.
Then after acquainting yourself with His Laws. God is a forgiving God.
No amount of sin is too much to be forgiven. God blessed us with His
Grace. You can be saved. The filthiest sinner can be wash clean whiter
than snow in His blood. After knowing His word and realizing the
magnitude of sin your life, ask Him for His forgiveness. Repent and
confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you.
After this you will be changed and refuse to relive your past life.
commandments" So many of us claim to love The LORD but do we really?
Based on the concepts of knowing Him to love Him and loving Him by
keeping His commandments most of us do not love our Father. It's okay if
we trying and it's not easy. No one said it would be easy, as a matter
of a fact I don't think it's supposed to be. We are born sinners so yes
it will be a struggle to find our way out. But how do we love God? First
you must know Him. Talk to Him everyday. Study His Word. Know His Laws.
Understand Him. To most this may be something most talked or thought
about, but like most things, they'e much easier said than done. So
encourage yourself regularly by asking yourself the question "Do you
want to live in eternity or burn in Hell?"
Now if you choose Heaven, then understand that it's yours! The Bible
says that Jesus left to go prepare a place for us, and the bible also
reiterates this by stressing that if He left He shall return. After
understanding this, work on your relationship with God. He loves us and
has done so much for us so why wouldn't you want to know Him?
Thank Him for Him blessing you every moment you get. He has been so good
to us all. Pray to Him each morning upon waking up and every night
before you retire. Pray to Him throughout the day endlessly. In an old
post I stressed, "Do all things in moderation except pray."
Also give Him praise. Our God deserve endless praise. Learn songs to
lift up His name. Quote text from His word and exalt Him. Magnify Him.
Then after acquainting yourself with His Laws. God is a forgiving God.
No amount of sin is too much to be forgiven. God blessed us with His
Grace. You can be saved. The filthiest sinner can be wash clean whiter
than snow in His blood. After knowing His word and realizing the
magnitude of sin your life, ask Him for His forgiveness. Repent and
confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you.
After this you will be changed and refuse to relive your past life.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I know I haven't blogged in a while, my apologies...
This morning while my father was listening to the news, I overheard a
story about a young lady being left brain-dead after being one of two
victims in a hit-and-run accident. It reminded me of my attitude towards
life and the inspriation that is my desire to leave with people. We wake
up everyday, go to school or work, and come home to do whatever it is we
do and go to bed to continue the pattern the following day. It is not
luck, nor is it coincidental that these devastating mishaps such as the
poor victim in that incident, does not happen to us.
The next time you think about complaining, stop and think, "What if GOD
allowed me to have a REAL reason to complain?" I preach this often but I
cannot emphasize it enough. Live your life productively and purposely
but with a content, grateful, positive attitude. It is the blessings,
mercies, and grace of The Lord our GOD Almighty that keeps us safe EACH
day, keeps us in good health, that wakes us up EACH morning, that grants
us with traveling mercies to and from, that provides and last but not
least, keeps us SAFE from dangers seen and unseen. Thank GOD! Be
blessed, be positive, be grateful, appreciative AND be CONTENT!
story about a young lady being left brain-dead after being one of two
victims in a hit-and-run accident. It reminded me of my attitude towards
life and the inspriation that is my desire to leave with people. We wake
up everyday, go to school or work, and come home to do whatever it is we
do and go to bed to continue the pattern the following day. It is not
luck, nor is it coincidental that these devastating mishaps such as the
poor victim in that incident, does not happen to us.
The next time you think about complaining, stop and think, "What if GOD
allowed me to have a REAL reason to complain?" I preach this often but I
cannot emphasize it enough. Live your life productively and purposely
but with a content, grateful, positive attitude. It is the blessings,
mercies, and grace of The Lord our GOD Almighty that keeps us safe EACH
day, keeps us in good health, that wakes us up EACH morning, that grants
us with traveling mercies to and from, that provides and last but not
least, keeps us SAFE from dangers seen and unseen. Thank GOD! Be
blessed, be positive, be grateful, appreciative AND be CONTENT!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Pray 4 Haiti wristbands
In support of the catastrophe in Haiti and collaboration with Be Positive Campaign, I am selling "Pray for Haiti" wristbands. They are only $2 and will go a very long way. All procedes will be sent as aid to help out with what's still going on in Haiti. Contact me ASAP to get your wristband and help change a life in need now. God bless Haiti and God bless America!
Contact me via text at 917.280.6539 anytime for more information regarding the wristbands.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Revelation Prophecy Fulfilled: Mark of The Beast
As time goes on, prophecy continues to unfold.
Watch these videos:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" Revelation 13:16-17
- Inspired by a friend
Be blessed!
Watch these videos:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" Revelation 13:16-17
- Inspired by a friend
Be blessed!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Be your own Doctor
Many of us blindly entrust in doctors with very little knowledge as to what they’re really doing and what they are really putting in our bodies. Yes doctors went to school for their practices and are well versed in the affairs of our bodies but let’s understand that most of them are just running a business. I personally made a doctors visit I had some time last year my last. I was having discomfort in my lower abdomen for several weeks and brought its attention to my mother. She suggested I go to a doctor and check it out at once. I hesitated because I had already made up my mind to not trust or support doctors. However I finally gave in and went. I waited about 20 minutes to see a doctor. When he was finally available to tend to me, he asked me two questions. I told him about the pain and he gave me some pill and went about his business. I could’ve gone to the store and gotten a pain killer for all of that. This is what most of them do. They prescribe drugs. That is my first problem with doctors. Anyway, enough about them, my main concern is with you. When something is wrong with you, whether it be a cold, a bad headache, cramp, etc., attempt to fix the problem yourself. You don’t have to go to school to research your condition. Get to know and understand your body. Tons of information is available all over the internet and in books. Now only until doctors clean up their act, you shouldn’t be so quick to trust them in the shots and medication they give you. The pharmaceutical industry is a business, a dirty one at that. They produce poison that only lessens the symptoms of your condition and NEVER cures it. Also, the poison that they make ALWAYS has unwelcoming side effects. Why, because it was man-made and ANYTHING man-made will destroy your body some way or another. After you get a prescription for a particular medication, it is expected that you take that medication until your condition goes away. That is for the rest of your life, because the condition will NEVER go away. It will only get worse and several other problems will arise from the poisonous medication doctors prescribe to us. That’s their business. You must keep buying the pills in order to take them. And then of course after you bring up the fact that the condition has worsened they prescribe you a new pill. I’m not totally suggesting you NEVER go to the doctor but I’m suggesting you be your own second opinion. Be aware of these harmful substances they are putting in your body. Educate yourself and understand why you’re undergoing your symptoms.
There are many natural doctors that are much more effective and reliable than medical doctors. I’m sure there are medical doctors that we can trust but still be knowledgeable on their procedures and on your condition. I also suggest that you do not get vaccinations or any type of shots, especially flu shots administered by our same doctor friends =).
A Poem Titled "SALVATION"
Dear Lord,
How do I win?
How do I start to love the way YOU want me to? Where do I begin?
YOU were always the answer to the problems I was in.
So when it's time to give back for all those things
How do I give and yet not sin?
I don't want to lose!
I love all the things that make us distant
But if it came down to it right now,
You know who's side I'd choose
But it's so hard, LORD, make me a vessel that YOU can use
I can't do it on my own
How do I show YOU that YOUR heart's where I wanna make my home
When everything I love makes me bow at Satan's thrown
I can't make it on my own!
For even with the whole world as friends...
Without YOU, make no mistake, I'm still alone!
Please send an Angel with a comb
Or even a brush
but please make it fast I'm sort of in a rush
All of my oppressors are telling me to hush
But I wake up everyday simply yearning for YOUR touch
Without YOU I am crushed
Everything second indulging in transgression is almost addictive
I need Your blessing, with YOU I feel so lifted
For YOU're the reason why Im gifted
He that dwelleth in the secret place shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty.
So does that mean that I'll be alright? We,
spend most of our lives looking for someone to love us
And YOU're right there under our nose, You need no Columbus to discover
I was told never lie, steal or kill and make too many attachments, too
And never call this place my home because I'm just a pilgrim passing through
But how do I make myself a visitor in the only place I know...I guess that's what I'm asking YOU
I try to live my life in a peaceful, loving and humble attitude
And make sure that before I die I did all that I had to do
Sometimes I cried because I was mad at YOU
Like when my aunt died but I know YOU know best and forever I give YOU gratitude
Plus all of the other problems in my life...Sometimes the rain reminds me of the pain and the bad memories seem to build up like a dirty puddle
But I aspire an attitude of contentness because everyone around you always has a bigger struggle
When I was younger I hated going to church like a visit to the dentist
And check me out now, everyday my meal consist of
A plate of prayer and faith with a side of forgiveness and repentance.
So now I know that music, women, drugs and alcohol, food...all of them are a test
And I'll study and pass with flying colors, even if I gain my soul and lose the world because YOU made me so I'm sure YOU know what's best!
How do I win?
How do I start to love the way YOU want me to? Where do I begin?
YOU were always the answer to the problems I was in.
So when it's time to give back for all those things
How do I give and yet not sin?
I don't want to lose!
I love all the things that make us distant
But if it came down to it right now,
You know who's side I'd choose
But it's so hard, LORD, make me a vessel that YOU can use
I can't do it on my own
How do I show YOU that YOUR heart's where I wanna make my home
When everything I love makes me bow at Satan's thrown
I can't make it on my own!
For even with the whole world as friends...
Without YOU, make no mistake, I'm still alone!
Please send an Angel with a comb
Or even a brush
but please make it fast I'm sort of in a rush
All of my oppressors are telling me to hush
But I wake up everyday simply yearning for YOUR touch
Without YOU I am crushed
Everything second indulging in transgression is almost addictive
I need Your blessing, with YOU I feel so lifted
For YOU're the reason why Im gifted
He that dwelleth in the secret place shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty.
So does that mean that I'll be alright? We,
spend most of our lives looking for someone to love us
And YOU're right there under our nose, You need no Columbus to discover
I was told never lie, steal or kill and make too many attachments, too
And never call this place my home because I'm just a pilgrim passing through
But how do I make myself a visitor in the only place I know...I guess that's what I'm asking YOU
I try to live my life in a peaceful, loving and humble attitude
And make sure that before I die I did all that I had to do
Sometimes I cried because I was mad at YOU
Like when my aunt died but I know YOU know best and forever I give YOU gratitude
Plus all of the other problems in my life...Sometimes the rain reminds me of the pain and the bad memories seem to build up like a dirty puddle
But I aspire an attitude of contentness because everyone around you always has a bigger struggle
When I was younger I hated going to church like a visit to the dentist
And check me out now, everyday my meal consist of
A plate of prayer and faith with a side of forgiveness and repentance.
So now I know that music, women, drugs and alcohol, food...all of them are a test
And I'll study and pass with flying colors, even if I gain my soul and lose the world because YOU made me so I'm sure YOU know what's best!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What's your zodiac sign?
The influence of these heavenly bodies and the zodiacal signs they represent became important in predicting human destinies. Many people, more notably noblemen and other high ranking officials often had personal astrologers and would not make important decisions before first consulting them. The fact that this science is just as popular today, long after the civilizations that founded it have vanished, indicates that people still believe in the accuracy of this science which literally charts the path of the stars to predict a person's destiny.--
Believing in zodiac signs and letting their characteristics define you
isn't something you really want to do. First of all, I believe that zodiac signs were created to establish some type of free order and besides from that, mere entertainment. In my opinion, they are absolutely foolish. They are wrong because people don't realize that they are bowing down to their sign as if it's a God when they believe in it. This is undoubtedly idolatry. Relying on something other than God to forsee your character traits is also idolatry. Participating in psychic readings is also wrong because when people believe they can see the future, it is something they acquire from the devil. No man can see the future. These are all types of sorcery or witchcraft; devilish things.
Why is it that none of the zodiac signs have the tendency to be Godly?
No where in the bible is there anything mentioned in favor of zodiac
signs. Of course the zodiac sign's description associated with your
birthday time would seem accurate. The devil is a liar and a very good
one at that. He will also use anything in his power to help you meet your demise! Don't let something as ridiculous as zodiac astrology be one of them!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Is it really organic?
The formula for successfully conducted business is giving the consumer what they want. This has always been the trend since the Marketing Era in business. Well if that's the case, if I am the president of my cereal company and I don't think it's morally right to use MSG in the ingredients for our product but the general public wants MSG in their food, then of course ill use MSG in our ingredients, especially if our competitors are. However, the case is usually the opposite in regards to MSG. But recently the public has become more aware of the advantages of using organic and natural foods and the dangers of doing otherwise. I hope it bothers you that the people in the food industry always knew of these dangers, but they didn't and don't care.
Like I said, their main focus is profit and our health is definitely not their best interest. Now the trend is organic and natural foods. But how can you be certain that the products are genuinely organic?
How do you know which companies to trust? Well my advice is to trust companies that have always or have already been making organic and natural products. That's their primary goal right after profits. For example, a company called Natures Path
is and was always known as a company to produce organic and 100% natural cereal despite whether the public wanted organic cereal or not. Now on the other hand a company like Kelloggs (sorry to the founder who happened to be Seventh - day Adventist =)) has not been producing organic goods but may be doing so now to satisfy the consumers wants. ---Kellogg's Introduces Organic Cereals ---I don't know about you but I don't trust that. You might say, well none of this really matters because all you have to look for is the round green and white (sometimes black and white) "USDA"- organic label. I hope we can trust that but lets not forget that the same government that appoints the people in-charge of the department of agriculture are the same people that appoint the folks in charge at the food and drugs administration. Why spend more money for something that is "organic"? There is even another organization certifying goods organic called Quality Assurance Intelligence. I'd put my trust in them before trusting the USDA. Anyway, try to get organic food instead of conventional when possible. It's called 'organic' for a reason, it’s good for your 'organs' =) Also, ask God to bless your food and water and you will be fine.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Signs of the Times
President Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department
Same-Sex Couples in New Hampshire Starting New Year With Wedding Vows
Gay Marriage in Argentina Is First in Latin America,2933,581332,00.html?test=latestnews
Mexico City legalizes same-sex marriage, adoptions
China to stage first gay pageant: organisers
Jude 1:7
Why are these headlines representations of my posts heading? People love to believe that God is sympathetic for homosexuality. God is love then that must mean that God can love homosexuals right? Well I wouldn't say God hates homosexuality but I know for sure that He doesn't condone it and I'm sure He also condemns it! God magnificently created man to be married to woman and anything outside of that union is disrespecting and disobeying Him.
There's a war going on outside. This war between good and evil more is prevailing today than ever and it will only get worse! Satan will use our most influential leaders to deceive us, from political figures, to celebrities and rappers. Acquaint yourselves with God and protect your soul from damnation.
Same-Sex Couples in New Hampshire Starting New Year With Wedding Vows
Gay Marriage in Argentina Is First in Latin America,2933,581332,00.html?test=latestnews
Mexico City legalizes same-sex marriage, adoptions
China to stage first gay pageant: organisers
Jude 1:7
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Why are these headlines representations of my posts heading? People love to believe that God is sympathetic for homosexuality. God is love then that must mean that God can love homosexuals right? Well I wouldn't say God hates homosexuality but I know for sure that He doesn't condone it and I'm sure He also condemns it! God magnificently created man to be married to woman and anything outside of that union is disrespecting and disobeying Him.
There's a war going on outside. This war between good and evil more is prevailing today than ever and it will only get worse! Satan will use our most influential leaders to deceive us, from political figures, to celebrities and rappers. Acquaint yourselves with God and protect your soul from damnation.
The second coming of Christ
Beaware of the second coming of Christ.
Watch this video:
No man knows the day or hour but don't be fooled by Satan coming to Earth posing as Jesus. Jesus will never come to this Earth physically again. He will appear in the sky. I know we've been hearing about Jesus' second coming for years but the signs have never been more clear. We are at a much greater loss if we didn't change our lives. The time is now!
-- Inspired by a friend
Watch this video:
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
No man knows the day or hour but don't be fooled by Satan coming to Earth posing as Jesus. Jesus will never come to this Earth physically again. He will appear in the sky. I know we've been hearing about Jesus' second coming for years but the signs have never been more clear. We are at a much greater loss if we didn't change our lives. The time is now!
-- Inspired by a friend
Germany Reaffirms Sunday Law
And need I saw more? The Sunday law is reaffirmed by Germany.
UN to Produce Bullion Coins as World Currency
Government leaders across the world are uniting to produce one form of currency. After the Sunday law is passed, this will enable them to have authority over how it is spent and by whom. This is all apart of the New World Order. There are serious times ahead people. Start prioritizing.
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name -Revelation 13:17
In regards to health
To our benefit, humans were made to survive. For if it were not for this amazing capability, most of us would probably die! God blessed our Earth with His grace; fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Man used creativity to reproduce food. In the process, much is lost. Essential vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, flavonols, living enzymes, and much more.
However, one thing that is also vitally important that I didn't mention is fiber. Dead, man-made, processed, cooked, refined, manufactured food contains little to no fiber. Without fiber and water, the things that God has given to us as food cannot be digested properly. Thus we become constipated. Food is something to give us energy and leave our bodies. When it is fiberless, it gets stuck in our body. It clogs our arteries, colon, GI tract and gets stored in our organs and under our skin as fat. It accumulates and causes obesity and tons of other diseases and disorders.
Think smart, eat smart. ;)
Our efforts regarding Haitis catastrophe
According to Larry King, Haiti has received almost $9 million in total due to our support in text messaging. Thank You. That is remarkable! We gave to those in need. The Bible says its a greater blessing to give than to receive. May God bless us individually and collectively as a nation.
The government will move 400,000 people that were left homeless from their camps to a new settlement on the island. Troops from Iraq also went to Haiti to help out. We wont let our brother fall with out giving him a hand to help him back up!
The government will move 400,000 people that were left homeless from their camps to a new settlement on the island. Troops from Iraq also went to Haiti to help out. We wont let our brother fall with out giving him a hand to help him back up!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My purpose
I dedicate my time to blog about things I am most passionate about. I am not exactly where I want to be in life but I'm rather pleased at where I'm at thus far. Much of my delight in the person I am is due to inspiration from others. So my goal is to give back. I love to inspire. I hope that is what my words do for you. With that being said, I know it's always interesting to discuss the most pressing current issues in media, celebrity gossip, etc. These things are important to me and are the most obvious ---things that are usually overlooked, unfortunately.
The things that are most important to me are our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being; things that promote change for the better, and most importantly, our salvation!!
It is my goal for us all to experience our climax in our spiritual growth. I believe that this is best and most easily done through a lifestyle practicing abstinence. Thus by being health conscious by means of food, the things we listen to, our attitudes, avoiding negative emotions such as stress, envy, fear, anxiety, etc, and much more. Food isn't the only thing that effects our health. This controls our fleshly nature - our lower human nature. So that's why I'm here, that's my inspiration, that's why I write. May my words bless your heart. Enjoy!
Monday, January 18, 2010
In tribute the the late great Mr. Dr. King

Dear Dr. King,
First of all, I would like to thank you. Thank you for your efforts to bring unity, peace, and change in a corrupt and broken world. Your efforts were greatly appreciated in your time, today, tomorrow and for centuries to come. You are an inspirational leader of change, encouragement and brotherhood. You are an African-American icon. Minorities today reap the benefits of your hard labor and for that we forever thank you. God has used you to make all of our lives better. Your struggles and courageousness have inspired several leaders to follow in your footsteps. You are the definition of standing up for something that is right even if you stand alone! Thank you.
Secondly, I would like to wish you a happy birthday. God blessed the day you were born for all people of color and for white people as well. So today and everyday we celebrate your birthday by fighting for your legacy to live. You had a dream and that dream didn't die that night after you woke. It didn't die after you were oppressed, ridiculed, criticized and demoralized. It didn't die when you were assassinated. It lives on! We will forever fight for peace, change, love and togetherness. We all are each others' keepers and need each other to survive. In closing, we respect you, we honor you, and we love you. Happy Birthday, Dr. King. God bless you.
Sincerely Yours,
Sean L Brereton
Saturday, January 16, 2010
In response to the response of Haiti's cries

I am thrilled and ecstatic to witness the level of gratitude, sympathy, support, and generosity that Haiti is getting. It's always amazing to see people come together for a good cause. God bless the hearts and minds of us all. The media always seems to disappoint me, spending so much time focusing on the smaller irrelevant matters in life; the Kanye West and Taylor Swift situation, the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation, and the most current situation with Tiger Woods. However, to my surprise, news stations, the media, and the government are all dedicating their time and support to something that really matters (for a change!) May God send restoration to Haiti and bless the noble hearts of us all supporting them in these devastating times.
Here are some pictures I found:

I happen to have many Haitian friends and I love them dearly. They are family! So this situation did stir up some emotions inside of me. I do know that the situation is in God's hands so I don't let it stress me as much.
But if you are still reluctant to show this country any type of support, I wonder how you would feel if it were your country, borough, neighborhood, and even family that was effected by this or a similar situation. Lets give, lets support, lets love.
So it is my prayer that we continue to show Haiti the support that they desperately need. A couple of dollars that you may not even miss would go a far. I don't expect this to be plea of persuasion, but of mere inspiration, words of encouragement. I'm sure we all have clothes in our closets that we no longer wear. Bless someone today with your kindness.
God bless Haiti.
Friday, January 15, 2010
I love the Lord!
There is no name higher than the name of JESUS. For this reason and so many more I will praise His holy matchless glorious name. On Wednesday I was suppose to come on here and post these praises but I got caught up doing other things. I still praised His name, however just not on here. Anyway, tonight I have much more reasons to praise Him. He has allowed me to see another weekend of this new year. He has blessed my family tremendously, kept my loved ones, guided my oppressors, my prosecutes and my enemies. I love the Lord. and will forever praise His name. Happy Sabbath to all and have a safe and blessed night.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Long Live Haiti
Monday, January 11, 2010
Did somebody say Mc Donalds?

So a couple of years ago when the government "regulated" most major fast-food corporations (McDonalds paticularly) they all lead us to believe that fast-food restaurants had cleaned up their acts and the food was safer. Americans are still the most overweight and obsessed creatures on the planet, not to mention diseased and malnourished. Thanks be to our precious fast-food and our forever so faithful government! The trans fats, saturated fats and calories were and still are the LEAST of our problems.
The FDA allows McDonalds to put deadly chemicals in its french fries. defines food as any nourishing substance taken to sustain life and growth. Well if thats an accurate description of food then I hate break it to you but Mc Donalds is NOT food - =( yea i know...
Say No to fast-food Part II

In a previous post I stated, "say no to fastfood" but I never elaborated because I assumed that it was self explanatory. Apparently not. Well I honestly didn't know the dangers of it all a couple of years back so no one is being judge. Eons before the Great Depression, Americans were driven in particular things. Rapid advances in technology and profit were our specialty. I guess this is why Americans are some of the most greedy people in the world. So I guess it is in our blood to be as productive and profitable as possible, striving to learn only things that make us more marketable and efficient in sales and production. So as a result somewhere along the line science and business crossed paths. We discovered that in order to be as profitable as possible we must produce food faster, yes, but we must also make it last longer. The first factor isn't a problem, however, the second most definitely is. Millions of chemicals endanger our food making it almost extinct. Fast-food must be prepared fast, sold fast and must make fast money. There must also be an abundance in it daily to provide food for the masses. No fast-food business will run a day without ensuring its inventory can more than provide for any premeditated influx of consumers. Fresh, 100% natural organic unaltered unprocessed food will spoil much faster than many of us would ever imagine.
This flaw in food is without a doubt a great disadvantage to fast-food corporations and they won't let the food waste.
So of course with permission from the government and the FDA, poisonous and deadly chemicals are added to our food supply. It is beyond disgusting and proposterous for a lack of better words. I hope this leaves nothing more to be said. Say NO to fast-food.
We need more protein?!

First of all, most of us gorge our stomachs with pounds of protein. We have eggs and bacon for breakfast, a cheese burger or rice and fried chicken for lunch, and steak for dinner or some other type of meat. Without a doubt protein is necessary but definitely not in the quantities in which we consume it! This is simply way too much protein/meat for our poor bodies to handle. It causes a tremendous burden on our liver and GI tract. Our digestive system as a whole and our stomachs don't even produce enough hydrochloric acid to digest the amount of protein we overwhelm our bodies with daily. Only about 6-8 to eight ounces of protein are necessary in men and about 4-6 in women a day!
Many of us believe that it is inevitable to sustain a healthy vegan diet. This is a misconception. Yes, the quantity of protein available in meat is sufficient and beyond adequate, however, protein is found in most fruit and vegetables also. As a matter of fact, why would we feel that we need to eat meat to be strong, well, and healthy when some of the strongest animals in the world are herbivores, or in our case vegan -- from the tallest -giraffes to the strongest and heaviest - pandas, gorillas and elephants.
Thank God animals are blessed to live by instinct by eating the things they need that also are good for their bodies. We eat the things we want that happen to be bad for our bodies. After reading a couple of books regarding the dangers of eating meat, I've discovered that it takes about two days to digest. This means it sits in our system rotting and increasing the risk of parasitic infections and a host of other disorders. Most of our meat supply is drugged with antibiotics, growth hormones, fed unnatural feed, mistreated, confined, and live in unnatural situations. This corrupts, destroys, and devitalizes the meat we eat everyday, which in turn, causes degenerative diseases, shortened lifespans and other health problems. I happen to be very picky with the meat I decide to eat and also rarely eat it. If you love yourself and love your body then treat it as if you do. Be particular with your food choices and very cautious when eating meat.
Now if you can't stay away from meat, I strongly suggest you eat much less of it. The types of meat that I strongly suggest you AVOID is pork, sushi, and seafood excluding scaled fish. Pork is the most toxic, diseased and dangerous meat known to man. Anything a pig eats turns into fat on its body in minutes and pigs eat ANYTHING! So I can't imagine what you people are eating when you eat pork. Pig meat also contains millions of parasites and many of them won't die no matter how long you cook it for. Most of the type of fish that sushi is made from has parasites living in its spinal cord that never die.
Most types of seafood such as our favorites (shrimp, lobster etc) are scavengers and no meat is worse to eat than scavengers. I also would suggest eating less chicken. Most of the chicken we eat is caged, ill-slaughtered and fed artificial food. Now I can't suggest meat you shouldn't eat without suggesting meat in which you should. Wild salmon, and free range organic beef are the best. Now I hope we all (including) myself can make better health conscious decisions and abstain from too much meat.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Got Milk?

For years, most people around me and I have been led to believe in the wonderful benefits of milk. The media and government have brainwashed us for decades to believe that we can't live without the calcium and vitamin D that are present in cow's milk. However, I strongly believe otherwise. Do not drink milk at all. Cow's milk isn't for humans; it's obviously for cows. No wonder why every single person has an allergic reaction to it. What is this reaction? It is the byproduct of mucus. I believe the end result is your body crying out in a result of the damaged done by milk - mucus. Milk is good for us, however, only when we need it and we only need it when we are babies. Now why would the government lie to us and make us believe that milk is good for us? It is a business for them. Their main concern and goal isn't our well-being, but it is to be highly profitable. So they found another way to make money off of cows beside from beef and that is their milk. But it doesn't stop there. This same milk that they want us to believe we need helps us get sick and when we get sick we need them. They then have a reason to make us buy their shots, prescription pills, vaccinations, etc.
These are all my opinions but some facts about milk are that most of the calcium and minerals that we think we are assimilated from milk aren't being assimilated at all. This is scientifically proven. We don't need milk, and our bodies don't like it. By instinct, cows stop drinking milk after four months or so and will never drink it again. So alcohol isn't the only thing you should cut down on for the new year but milk also!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Feeling Sick?

Good Day to all! Due to the freezing weather outside I am inspired to give information on my knowledge pertaining prevention of colds/flu and the maintainability of good or better health. Firstly, I am blessed to know that I rarely get sick at all. This is due to my health consciousness and my desired lifestyle. Take heed to my knowledge and you will get better and possibly get sick less frequently. So let's give you a brief description of what we know as the common cold.
The common cold is the inflammation of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. When you have it, you may be experiencing symptoms such as runny nose, throat irritation, muscle aches, watery eyes, headaches, fever, chills, bad breath, bodt odors, and temporary loss of smell and taste. Some of the causes of the cold are fatigue, overexposure to the cold, viral infection, lack of sleep/rest, inhalation of too much dust, eating too much sugary foods, eating too much junk and eating too much period. However a cold isn't the infection but the recovery of an infection. So in essence when you have a cold, you aren't necessarily sick but you are getting over a sickness. The symptoms of the cold is your body trying to reestablish its health. So getting a cold is actually good for you. In a cold, you witness your body communicating with you, letting you know that you're either eating too much, not exercising enough, not getting enough rest etc. If it weren't for colds, you would never really know that your body may be breaking down and becoming more and more vulnerable to detrimental diseases. However, having the cold or symptoms of it is very uncomfortable and undesirable. So, let's get rid of it now!
If you contract a cold, it may usually last for about one to two weeks. Taking my advice can cut that time in half. Here are some simply natural remedies that will help you overcome your cold.
. Every morning upon waking up, gargle with warm filtered water with sea salt. The sea salt will kill most of the germs in your mouth and throat.
. Then drink about 12 ounces of water with the juice of a half of a freshly squeezed organic lemon. It is vital that the lemon is organic. Most colds are due to the overwhelming state of toxicity in the body. Conventional lemons have pesticides, chemicals, dyes and waxes which are all toxic to our bodies. Adding more toxins can only worsen your cold.
. After this lots of rest and relaxation is highly encouraged however if you have to work then do not eating any breakfast. The body needs to recover during a cold and if it must bear the burden of digesting food then it delays the healing process.
. Fresh air is very important also. Do not take any medications or drink any coffee. Instead of buying poisonous medications, such as TheraFlu, aspirins ect. buy a multivitamin supplement to help your immune system. It is recommended that you take as much vitamin C as possible (about 5,000 mg). Other vitamins are also important such as vitamin A, calcium,vitamin B complex,vitamin E, vitamin F, zinc, riboflavin, and selenium. Other supplements are also beneficial such as flaxe seeds, brewer's yeast, and bioflavonoids. Garlic is also good in fighting off germs. Herbs are also good in cleansing and fighting bacteria. Some of the best herbs are rose hip, goldenseal, peppermint, senna, milk thistle, and dandelion root.
. If you are really hungry it's best to drink herbal tea. Do not drink black to or any caffeinated teas. Green tea is one of the best. If not eat organic fruit.
. Avoid eating solid and cooked foods. Eat high fiber foods. Instead, drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and water only. I advise you to ONLY drink water while you are sick and nothing else at all with the exceptions of lemon water and tea. Drink 2 quarts of water a day. Try to drink at least a cup an hour. It doesn't matter if any beverage is made from organic fruits or 100% juice. It was pasteurized and that destroys most if not all of the living enzymes needed to properly digest the juice.
. Placing a hot rag on your head is also beneficial in that it promotes circulation.
. Lastly, positive attitudes and thinking can encourage healing. Surround yourself with positive energy and also be cheerful at all times. Ask for God's healing touch and use the amazing powers of prayer to help heal your condition. Never forget to ask God to bless our contaminated and devitalized foods
Now with all of this being said, stay warm and get and STAY well soon.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A poem titled "My Friend"
It's like the more people you know the lonelier you feel
And it takes but a few words for you to break down when you felt stronger than the man of steel
I can't front too I'd feel so robbed if I didn't ask God to be my shield
All these tribulations are now testimonies of His powers revealed
I thought I had some friends but they'll pretend it'll shock you like an eel
And I'm in a back and forth cipher to decipher on which ones are real
Thanks to the genuine ones tho
In rough times the rest of them split like a banana
On any given Sunday
And left me to slip and fall on the peel
But there's one I can count on that seems to be telling all my problems to yield
Any type of problem seems to be in His field
When I'm left in the dark and be thinking should I get on the ark or should I take one last bite of this secular meal
Sometimes I see the wheels...going faster and I'm just tryna get on board like some chalk
And I know that Jesus walks despite the crazy talk
But you don't really see sand in New York
I try to mention Him and sometimes I get nervous
But I don't do it on purpose I'm just trying to find my purpose
And be certain that I'm prepared when He pulls the curtains
And not be hurting by being left lurking on this crazy earth and decide on if I really deserve Him
Maybe if I keep talking to Him he'll give me an answer or a sign
But its hard to keep an empty plate especially when you're in hell's kitchen and Satan's dancing in your mind
But i wont be left with undefined
Feelings of being blind
I need my sight so I can read His story
for His Mountain of Glory I will continue to climb
And hopefully through my deeds, hopefully though my skin others will see His love shine
And it takes but a few words for you to break down when you felt stronger than the man of steel
I can't front too I'd feel so robbed if I didn't ask God to be my shield
All these tribulations are now testimonies of His powers revealed
I thought I had some friends but they'll pretend it'll shock you like an eel
And I'm in a back and forth cipher to decipher on which ones are real
Thanks to the genuine ones tho
In rough times the rest of them split like a banana
On any given Sunday
And left me to slip and fall on the peel
But there's one I can count on that seems to be telling all my problems to yield
Any type of problem seems to be in His field
When I'm left in the dark and be thinking should I get on the ark or should I take one last bite of this secular meal
Sometimes I see the wheels...going faster and I'm just tryna get on board like some chalk
And I know that Jesus walks despite the crazy talk
But you don't really see sand in New York
I try to mention Him and sometimes I get nervous
But I don't do it on purpose I'm just trying to find my purpose
And be certain that I'm prepared when He pulls the curtains
And not be hurting by being left lurking on this crazy earth and decide on if I really deserve Him
Maybe if I keep talking to Him he'll give me an answer or a sign
But its hard to keep an empty plate especially when you're in hell's kitchen and Satan's dancing in your mind
But i wont be left with undefined
Feelings of being blind
I need my sight so I can read His story
for His Mountain of Glory I will continue to climb
And hopefully through my deeds, hopefully though my skin others will see His love shine
Jesus' Love

Good Morning. I'm so delighted this morning. I'm so thrilled that God has sent His love into my home to wake my family up this morning. I would love to deliver a message to you all that I got from Jesus this morning. He wanted me to tell you that He loves you. I wish I could express to you how much He does but I can't. My mind wasn't designed to comprehend the magnitude of love that Jesus has for you. It is way to perplexing for any ones human mind to even attempt to fathom. Just understand that He loves you and will always loves you. May His name be praised for all the wonders and blessings that He has bestowed upon us, that He is bestowing upon us and that He will bestow upon us. May everyone's day be sanctified and filled with God's richest blessings. I love you all!
Friday, January 1, 2010
We should've started our new years resolutions months ago. You don't have to wait until tonight. Whatever these commitments are let's pray that God grants us the strength, discipline and the endurance to help us stick to them. Let's also ask for God's guidance in deciding what our resolutions will be. I hope that for this new year He will be the center of all of our lives.
Despite the failures you've gone through in 2009 God gave us a second chance to redeem ourselves for this new year. Live a purposeful, meaningful life and extend praises to God incessantly! Praise His name for every breath of air He allows you to breathe. Do not love to live unless you are living to love! It is everyone's destiny to receive God's be blessings but you must work for it. Treat your bodies as if they we're precious gifts from God and do not take them for granted. Your body is His temple. May 2010 be a productive, ecstatic and rich year for you all. Bless <3
Despite the failures you've gone through in 2009 God gave us a second chance to redeem ourselves for this new year. Live a purposeful, meaningful life and extend praises to God incessantly! Praise His name for every breath of air He allows you to breathe. Do not love to live unless you are living to love! It is everyone's destiny to receive God's be blessings but you must work for it. Treat your bodies as if they we're precious gifts from God and do not take them for granted. Your body is His temple. May 2010 be a productive, ecstatic and rich year for you all. Bless <3
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